District Departments » Gifted and Academically Talented Programs » Accelerated and Enriched Pathways (6-8)

Accelerated and Enriched Pathways (6-8)

Overview of Accelerated and Enriched Pathways (AEP)


The Accelerated and Enriched Pathways help to balance student voice and

choice with strategic, multifaceted, right-challenged course placement procedures. Students are identified for placement in single accelerated or enriched courses in order to best meet their individual learning needs. A student may be placed

in accelerated math courses, advanced coursework in language arts, enriched science courses, and/or enriched social studies courses.


Accelerated and Enriched Pathways (AEP) Identification


There are three ways a student can qualify for consideration in gifted and talented programming:


1. Performance Data - gathered from the following sources, where available:
      • Renaissance Learning Star Reading and Math assessments
      • NJSLA Reading and Math performance data
      • Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment
      • CogAT - Cognitive Abilities Test
2. Teacher Input
      • Throughout the qualification process, teachers offer insights and feedback to the selection committee, drawing from students’ classroom performance and anecdotal observations. Please note, teachers do not recommend students for Gifted & Talented Program placement.


3. Parent or Guardian Nomination

      • Parents or guardians may nominate their child by providing a written request to the classroom teacher. The letter of nomination must include the following:

○ Student Name

○ Parent/Guardian(s) Name, Address, and Telephone Number

○ School, Grade, and Homeroom Teacher

○ Information about your child’s personal qualities that you believe are associated with exceptionality

○ Learning/behavioral characteristics of your child associated with general intellectual ability


 NOTE: Recommendation for screening in steps 1-3 does not provide automatic admission into any program.



AEP Exiting Policy


To ensure that students remain on track and benefit fully from the program, they must maintain a minimum average of 87 in each content area class per quarter. If a student’s average falls below this threshold, they will be considered "On Watch." Should the student's average remain below 87 after two marking periods, we will review multiple criteria and share our findings with parents, teachers, and administrators to determine the most appropriate placement for the student.

Students have the opportunity to re-evaluate their course placement at the end of sixth and seventh grade in preparation for the upcoming school year. An application process is available for students who wish to apply to participate in an Accelerated and Enriched Pathways course for the first time in the upcoming school year. Applications are considered in conjunction with course grades, assessment measures, and teacher consultations. Determinations about future course placement are based on evidence of mastery and/or growth in each specific content area.

Updated June 2024