District Departments » Gifted and Academically Talented Programs » Placement Appeal Process

Placement Appeal Process

Appeals Process Information
Please note that any parent/guardian wishing to appeal this decision should submit an appeal letter by July 12, 2024.
The appeal letter should include the following:
  • Student Name
  • School and Grade
  • Homeroom Teacher
  • Parent/Guardian(s) Name
  • Address and Telephone Number
The content of the letter must include relevant information and a detailed rationale for processing the appeal.
Formal written appeals may be sent via email to Adriana Silva-Gonzalez, Erin Fedina or delivered via mail to the Howell Township Board of Education, Administration Building, Attention: G&T Appeal Process, Post Office Box 579, Howell, NJ 07731. Only those appeals received by the established due date will be given full consideration.
The intention of the appeals process is to revisit the student’s learning profile, which reflects your child’s performance on the aforementioned assessments, in order to determine the most appropriate course placement.
Erin Fedina, Supervisor of Mathematics/Science and K-8 Gifted and Talented Programming
732-751-2480 x3813
Adriana Silva-Gonzalez, Supervisor of Literacy and K-8 Gifted and Talented Programming
732-751-2480 x3814