School Entry Protocol
Please note the following:
No visitors are to enter the building with students during arrival. All visitors to our schools will need to have an appointment to enter the building. (If you require assistance, an appointment must be made after the start of the school day.)
At the buzzer, it is expected that all visitors will state the purpose of their visit and/or specify with whom they have the appointment.
All visitors are required to show photo identification prior to being buzzed into the building.
If the appointment is verified, the visitor will be buzzed in and must present themselves to the main office immediately upon entry.
Visitors will be required to show photo identification again, and sign in to obtain a visitor’s pass.
It is imperative that visitors do not hold the door open for others behind them. Each visitor must be acknowledged individually through the buzzer system.
If you must drop off an item for a student (lunch, homework, etc.) you will be directed to deposit that item in a bin outside the main entry. Entry into the school is not permitted.
If you will be picking your child up early, you must notify the office in writing prior to dismissal. If it is an emergency, call the office to notify the school.
Front office secretaries will be required to call 911 and notify school administrators if the visitor is uncooperative, does not adhere to the procedures, or becomes threatening.
Ultimately, failure to follow these procedures may result in a lockdown for the safety of our students and staff, and the Howell Police Department may be notified that an intruder is in the building.
We know that this protocol is stringent and may inconvenience our visitors who are, as always, welcome in our schools. The safety of our students and staff must remain our priority and we are optimistic that our visitors will ultimately recognize our need to be as vigilant as possible.
If you should require clarification regarding the protocol, please contact your building principal. He/She will be happy to answer your questions to ensure your full understanding and adherence to our procedures. With your cooperation, our schools will be more secure for students and staff.
The district continues to upgrade and implement improved security measures throughout all of our schools. Your suggestions are important and always appreciated. Please email any items using our Contact Us page and they will be directed to the appropriate personnel.