Elementary Guidance Counselors
Elementary Guidance Contacts by School
Guidance Counselor: Shannon Foley
Guidance Counselor: Sara Glynn
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Guidance Counselor: Jayme Begley
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Guidance Counselor: Michele Stigliano
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Land O'Pines
Guidance Counselor: Laura Noseworthy
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Guidance Counselor: Samantha Murillo
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Guidance Counselor: Nicolette Morales
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Guidance Counselor: Haley Petrula
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Contact by Email
We Believe…
- Children have dignity and worth as human beings.
- Children learn best when they feel good about themselves and their relationships with others.
- Children who understand their feelings are better able to control their behavior.
- Children are capable of making responsible choices.
- Attitudes formed during elementary school shape future attitudes toward learning, self and society.
Elementary Information/Parent Resources
Parent Stop Spot
- ABC's - Activities Benefit Children
- Academics and Activities
- Bus Safety
- Dealing with Discipline
- Providing Homework Help
- How Homework Helps
- How to Help Your Child Learn More
- Study More Productively
- How Families Can Help
The Guidance School-to-Home Connection
School Stress
School Stress
Parent Communication
Young people face greater risks than previous generations:
- Young people face increasing violence in our society and in their schools.
- Some young people face hopelessness that can lead to self-destructive behavior.
- Children affected by these and other issues are not able to achieve at their full academic potential. The counselor's primary task is to help them become better learners by providing a comprehensive program that includes responsive services, individual planning, systems support and a guidance curriculum.
In Our Changing World
- By age 21, today's young people have faced more decisions than their grandparents faced in a lifetime.
- One out of five families move each year.
- Everyone faces career decisions.
Your child's Elementary School Counselor Helps…
- Children develop a better understanding and acceptance of themselves.
- Children cope with family changes.
- Children develop decision making and problem solving skills.
- Children develop socially and emotionally, to mature in their relations with others.
- Children to understand themselves in relation to their own development.
- Parents understand their children's emotions, behaviors, and learning styles, and assist them in meeting their child's needs.
- School staff, teachers and administrators understand and meet the needs of all students in intellectual, personal, social and emotional areas.
- Parents and teachers create a positive learning environment.
Why call the guidance counselor?
- A problem on the bus has upset your child.
- You have seen a change in your child's work and grades?
- The teacher feels your child is having difficulty with the academics.
- Your child feels bullied or scared at school.
- A change in your family has occurred and this may upset your child.
- Transitioning to the middle school, or first grade worries your child.
Questions you might ask the guidance counselor...
- What in an SRC meeting?
- How can I find out about outside counseling?
- Do you know of groups for children?
More Information
Sites for Children
- http://www.beritsbest.com
- http://www.ala.org
- http://www.factmonster.com
- http://kids.apl.org
- http://www.kidsource.com
- http://www.kidsclick.org
Sites for Parents